
Rise of the Witch-king Status

4 Players Online

Hitrex, Ifaan, LordElrond2, NoBerrySalad

0 Games in Lobby

1 Games in Progress

locked NoBerrySalad (6/6)Iron Hills IiUnknown0

Battle for Middle-earth II Status

1 Players Online


0 Games in Lobby

0 Games in Progress

Battle for Middle-earth Status

2 Players Online

Cookson09, IanD911

0 Games in Lobby

0 Games in Progress


T3A:Online - The Return of BFME Multiplayer

T3A:Online is a free custom online server for the Battle for Middle-earth series. We support BFME1, BFME2 and RotWK. T3A:Online integrates seamlessly into your BFME experience by requiring no third party software and allowing you to log in through the game's online interface and play against your friends and foes through our T3A:Online server.

T3A:Online supports all titles of the Battle for Middle-earth series: The Battle for Middle-earth, The Battle for Middle-earth II and The Rise of the Witch-king.

Please read the Setup instructions and see the Downloads section on how to play online - it's for free!

Looking for opponents or allies to play with? Join our Discord server to arrange games.






2017/04/23 - T3A:Online supports RotWK
The Rise of the Witch-king is now officially supported and can be played on our server. With the new T3A:Online launcher all three games can be launched from the same interface!

  • You need the new launcher to play RotWK online
  • The launcher now introduces a feature called hooking
  • Hooking allows you to start the game with its normal shortcut
  • RotWK has its own online status information on


What works:

  • Chat (in the chatroom, hosting lobby and in-game)
  • Hosting and joining games
  • Adding buddies and chatting with them (Ctrl+Enter)

What doesn't work yet:

  • Quick Match
  • Stats
  • Ladders


Full support is provided in the T3A:Online support forums.
If you are experiencing installation issues, read this installation topic.
If you are experiencing connection issues, read this connection topic.

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"One site to rule them all, one site to find them,
one site to host them all, and on the network bind them."