
Profile ID 1000379371
User shock99
Status Active
Buddies $^Don^Dada^, *CDZ*[SION], *SS.(DOHKO)*, -Faded-, -KappaXd^, 0(^_^)0, 190Km, <('-'<), Adventurer, AidanPryde, AlexanderCage, AlexanderUA, Alibaster, Alibaster_UA, aliimranerkan01, AlphaZer0, AnderLine, another_wun, ApoIIo, ApoIlo, ArnoDuebel, arskaWNBpro, AssassinSpy, ava_TARS, B*O*O*M, baggio15934, Baron0fHell, BreakingForce, bushido, cabal, CabalFan, CaptainDeezNuts, CCSparta, Celestee, cgf123`, CheeksMcgee, COMBAT7777777, connorfmate, copkill3r, Cuba_Libre, CyberAngel2, Cyberphob1c, Cyberphobic, dankson, darkapprintist, DavidzD, David_91_ZD, Deejay-Br, Deezul, DEVASTATOR2000, Dizzlicious, Drive, dump_trump, EcLlpse, edface, Eeeeeagle, Elite_Hanfxxx, Epsilon_Reh, eXs.cRoN|c, eXs.Kane, FateZero, Filmron, FilthyFiend, flashing_light, FREEZERR, Galaxica, GarbageKwPlayrs, GNLQC, GreenScorpion, gutty333, GwaspaRi, HavanaClubCola, hellcatC-17, HighAI, Hudini', I<``, IamKane, Ion^Boy, Ion^Man, IP00Pinurmouth, IPoWNYoU, JakeWhite, jeremy1998, John5781, jonh, JuDgEpowr`, Justyn-zD, Justyn_92_zD, kamal, KamiKane, Kauz-IV, Kickboxer86, Killer1995, Kimera_II, KingPosiedon, KiTTyBangBang, KiTTyWaNnaF1GhT, Kofffe, Kony*LRA*, l-khaled-l, Lamas, lamoz30, Libran, littlemoule, Loading........, lock_N_fire, LooneyDoons, LoRdAeoN, Made_in_Germany, MaverickX8, MeGasS, mind_POWER_ki, mo0n, Modii, Monopoly-Of-One, Motherfucker, Mr.Kage, Mr.Mc, MR>JUNKIE, MrDelko, M`a`c`L`a`r`e`n, Nadsauce, Najdorf, network, newgamer161, OhayoPokko, OnchyOnchy#1Fan, OneVISION, OneVision90, OUTLAW---NR1, OUTLAW---NR2, OUTLAWNR1, OUTLAWNR2, OUTLAWNR3, OverLorD666, Over|ord, oxygen, ozons, Pat_Fussy, Pedrok, Penguin_OwN_alL, PichulonG, PINEKTRON, POWEREDo.O, Precedent, Q4Profit, ranger@, reypapa, Richard_Cranium, RoachRav, Rot3rMil4n, RRRRRex, S1nn3r, saymyname__, scared, scorpioncnc, Shrapnel, Shrapnel1, Shwan, SimCity2000, Simple_Man, SirJohns, Spawling, Spawn, static650, STBESTFACTION, T'sLa, TakingNotes, TARS, TempestRisingEZ, termin4tor, Thanatos(TM), Thanatos., TheChessPlayer, TheGuest, TheJunkster, THERECANBEONLY1, Tienshin, Tokito, TRAGICxDRACO, tsug, Unidentified, varience, Virus_playtowin, Vizolo202, whithouseparty, wildpony, wveds, xisss, Xtrem1zer, XXcyberstormXX, Xx_HuRRiKane_xX, YourHorse, Z@n^k^~, ZigZagger, [LTB]Braco02, [OneVlSION], ^SuperDoc98^, |<``

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